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Z版本, 东电 Minimax 32BIT/192KHZ电子管输出解码器 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2011-01-17
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  Eastern Electric 东电 Minimax 电子管输出解码器


只看该作者 1 发表于: 2011-01-17

荣获HEADPHONISTA 2010主编推荐大奖

只看该作者 2 发表于: 2011-01-17

取样频率:32bit  32khz-192khz(USB除外)

只看该作者 3 发表于: 2011-01-17

2010年 初秋 Ver.1.03

MiniMax Digital Analog Converter (DAC)のご案内
この度、発売開始予定のイースタン・エレクトリックのMiniMax DAC は、現在発売されているDACの中でもコスト・パフォーマンスの優れた最高の機種です。北米やヨーロッパで既に発売し、一番ホットなDACとして注目されています。

ESS 9018 32bit DAC チップを採用。「デジタル機器が再生でアナログ機器を超えるレベルに到達するのはまだ先、、、」という議論を払拭しました。129dBのダイナミックレンジや15Hzから35kHzに至る周波数特性は艶のある自然の音を再現。デジタル録音が開始された当時は、最高の技術を駆使して録音されたのですが、当時のデジタル再生機器はまだ未熟で能力不足でした。


イースタン・エレクトリックのDAC出力は真空管増幅と半導体増幅の選択が可能で、真空管12AU7/ECC82 は増幅専用。本当の真空管サウンドをお楽しみいただけます。


USBを除く4系統の入力は、既存のAV機器のほぼ全ての入力信号に対する対応が可能。サンプリングは 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz ,96kHz192kHz。全てのフォーマットのデジタル変換が指先で行えます。フェーズ・イン/アウトの切換えが可能ですから、録音位相の問題解決も簡単です。




1.  特徴・規格など

2.  MiniMax DAC パネルの説明

3 . アメリカやヨーロッパでの評価

Stereomojo から Maximum Mojo Award を受賞しました。

September 2010                    -->
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Audio Blast: Eastern Electric Minimax DAC

Doug Schroeder
Frequency Response : 15Hz – 32KHz
Sampling rates : 32bit 32KHz 44.1KHz 48KHz 192KHz (except USB)
Dynamic Range : 129dB 
Digital Input Impedance : 75 ohm
Output Impedance : Tube 22K
Solid State 10K
Output Voltage : Tube 3V +- 0.5dB
Solid State 2.5V +-0.5dB
S/N ratio : Tube 90dB
Solid Sate 95dB
THD : 0.5%(Tube) 0.02%(Solid State)
Dynamic Range : 129dB
Power Consumption : 12W
Main Voltage : 120V, 230V, 240V switchable
G.W. : 4.3kgs
N.W. : 3kgs

MSRP: $750.00


Eastern Electric
URL: www.eeaudio.com
Email: alex_eeaudio@yahoo.com

U.S. Distributor:

Morningstar Audio Imports
44 East University Drive
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Tel: (847) 255-1150

URL: www.morningstaraudio.com
Email: info@morningstaraudio.com

Rave Alert
Let it be known that: 1. This is an article produced after just a few weeks use of this product.  2. The article is not exhaustive, as it eschews USB operation in favor of S/PDIF and AES/EBU connectivity.  3. It is emotionally laden, however the attempt to temper that emotion.  4. This is a much longer Audio Blast than normal. Therefore, take it, “for what it’s worth”. If you wish to dismiss it entirely, feel free. I would not recommend that. 
Remember This Number
32. 32 bit. 32 Bit ESS ES9018 Sabre Reference DAC. Remember it well, because it’s what your Redbook and streaming audio soul really wants. It is the future of digital two-channel audio signal treatment, and it’s affordable! Remember when the first Plasma and LCD TVs first burst onto the scene? Remember when color TV was introduced? Oh, you’re not that old - sorry! If you did remember the introduction of color TVs you would remember the feeling of awe at the technological improvement.
I’m not going to go so far as to say that the ESS Technology ES9018 Sabre 32 Reference audio DAC chip used in the Eastern Electric Minimax DAC is that radical an improvement, but it’s close in audiophile terms. I work hard not to mindlessly rave about products, but I will holler from the hilltops about new technologies which I feel are beacons of light shining far brighter than the surrounding digital heavens. The EE DAC is a product incorporating the right advancement to positively (I thought I would use a different word than “radically”, as it’s become cliché)alter your digital listening experience. How many times have you heard that?
It’s The Technology

The audio community has been enthusiastic about the Oppo players for good reason – they’re using the ESS 32 bit chip as well. There has been much discussion of the Wyred4Sound DAC-2. Why is that the case? It’s the chip, the technology. Architecture of DAC topology via this chiphas broken through to a new frontier of digital which is in turn leading to a new realm of experience for the audiophile. Just ask people who own these products. The leadership of ESS and the Sabre chip will force competitors to rethink their designs. If they don’t, I believe they will be left far behind this technological advancement. Indeed, according to Morningstar Audio, U.S. importer of Eastern Electric, the Minimax DAC has a, “…Dynamic Range of 129dB, and a staggering Frequency Response from 15Hz-32KHz.” It is not unusual for an upsampling 24 bit/192 KHz player to have a stated dynamic range of 110dB and frequency response of 20 Hz to 20 KHz. In other words, the envelope of potential performance with the Sabre chip is significantly larger.
This dawning of the 32 bit chip for DAC conversion in audio devices is so good that I cannot dream of being without it, nor can I see in time any committed designer or audiophile ignoring its impact. When you experience a taste of quality so compelling, you simply don’t want to go back. Going forward, I don’t just want an economical version of the ESS chip, I want the state-of-the-art version! If thisgood of sound can be had from an entry-level DAC, I can’t imagine what the outside limits of design with it will be! With the advent of 32 bit DAC technology, digital sound has become extremely exciting!This is the sector in audio to investigate now.
Behind the scenes
In conversation with Calto Wong of ESS Technology I learned what’s really happening with products like the McIntosh MCD500 which sports the ES9008 Sabre chip at 24 bit/192 KHz, as McIntosh states, in “Stereo Quad Balanced mode.” Or, the upcoming Krell Evolution 555 Blu-ray Player, with its ES9018 Sabre Reference chips, similar to the Minimax DAC. The term “Reference” is applied by ESS to designate their top end chip, followed by Ultra and Premier. What’s going on here? A full scale recalibration of what is considered good digital sound, and it all starts with the ESS chip. There are different levels of quality in the Sabre chip line, and the top is the ES9018 – which actually has eight channels of digital-to-analogue conversion. That is very important, since the hottest new design in building consumer component DACs is what Calto termed the “Quad Differential Mode”. That means using four channels of DAC processing 24 bit/96 KHz for each stereo channel. I believe that in time all leading DAC manufacturers will be doing so.
One of the main advantages of using four DACs per channel is a dramatic reduction in noise in the signal. Lower noise means higher, more dramatic sound, and those “blacker backgrounds” we all seek. You can crank on the volume and hear far less noise than with 16 bit or 24 bit processors. Consider what Calto intones, “…When you double the number of DACs you cut the noise in half.” No wonder the Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR) threshold is at an extreme 135 dB! That means the basis to build really, really, really quiet components.
Calto confirmed that the chip does upsample all incoming signals to 32 bit, but the frequency is not fixed. It can vary from 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, or 192 KHz. According to him, “…each sample in time will have resolution of a minimum of 32 bit number.” In other words, feed it whatever frequency signal you like, it’ll come out 32 bit. I can hardly overstate the importance of this development. This is a technology which, applied by skilled designers, will decimate current standards of good digital sound, including 24 bit/192 KHz processing.  

只看该作者 4 发表于: 2011-01-17




Eastern Electric Tube DAC
Aug 7th, 2010 | By Daryl H. | Category: Review, Special Picks We’ve Got Trouble On Our Hands
Riding the wave of newly released DAC’s utilizing the 32-bit Sabre chip, Eastern Electric has released the Minimax Tube DAC at a very tempting price.  For $750 they’ve put out a DAC that’s both cheaper than the Peachtree Audio Nova and Wyred4Sound DAC-1, but with it’s own unique set of features, the main one being a bypassable tube amp stage, as well as a phase switch option.  Although manufacturing is done in China, Bill and Alex are just one part of the American branch and the ones responsible for North American distribution.  After exchanging a few pleasant email exchanges with Bill, we had do the review.  Bill seemed extremely confident in his product and this only served to pique my curiosity even more.  After hearing Bill’s comments such as “the audiophile industry is in for trouble” and “we’ve got trouble on our hands”, I had to get my hands on this thing.  And so the wheels were set in motion for yet another 32 -bit Sabre-based DAC review.

The Package Arrives…
Four days later, I woke up to someone knocking on my door.  Usually something I hate.  Is it the IRS? My landlord?  To my delight it was the UPS man holding a package with the words ‘Eastern Electric’ clearly visible on the label.  I practically knocked out the UPS delivery guy, as I snatched the package from his arms and took off in my boxers towards my listening station.  After I made some coffee, and got myself somewhat put together, I grabbed the box, a butter knife, and I’m sure you can guess the rest.  Inside the box, Eastern Electric has included a power cable and a very thorough users manual.  After I removed what seemed like 17 layers of bags and styrofoam, I finally unearthed the DAC itself, and I was pleasantly surprised by the build quality.  The photo’s on Eastern Electric’s website really do not do this DAC any justice.  It is built solidly with aluminum knobs on the front that are hefty, yet responsive, and the buttons and lights on the front give off a very professional, yet fun vibe.  Flip the DAC around, and we find 5 digital inputs with toslink, coax, BNC as well as USB support.  Quite impressive.

Smooth and Organic
As I looked all around my coffee table at the mess I had created.  Boxes everywhere, packaging material, an empty coffee cup, a butter knife.  I decided enough is enough, it’s time to hook this thing up and see if Bill’s claims were warranted.  In my initial test, I swapped out the Peachtree Nova, and inserted the Eastern Electric Minimax Tube DAC in the following configuration.
Macbook Alu –> Halide Design Bridge –> Black Cat Veloce Cable –> Minimax DAC –> Lake People Violectric HPA181 (via RCA) –> Beyerdynamic T1
I threw on the Beyerdynamic old warhorse, sat back in my chair, flipped on the DAC and began listening.  Upon hitting play, a few a characteristics became immediately evident.  The music I was hearing sounded natural and effortless, yet ruthlessly detailed.  There was certain level of smoothness unique to the Minimax.  The Wyred4Sound DAC-1’s main characteristic is it’s smooth demeanor,  but comparing the two DAC’s, the Minimax sounded more natural and organic which I preferred.  Listening to Jaga Jazzist – Animal Chin, a chaotic, progressive composition of Scandinavian jazz-fusion, the music sounded just more enjoyable, for lack of a better description.  The Wyred4sound was smoother and instruments seemed to be glossy and pretty, but the Minimax was organic, back down to earth, yet still highly musical.  Another thing I noticed about the Minimax was it’s handling of bass and lower frequencies.  While it was tight and accurate, it had more presence, then the Wyred4Sound DAC and Neko Audio MK2.  Is this good or bad?  For me, it was excellent as some would consider the two previously mentioned DAC’s neutral or accurate, while I would call them a little bass shy.  The Minimax did not let me down in this area one bit.

Tube Engaged
As I continued skipping through various FLAC files in iTunes, I soon realized that the tube was in fact disengaged.  Eastern Electric named this the TUBE DAC, so I can only assume it sounds at it’s best with the tube engaged.  The Minimax utilizes a single 12au7 tube employed in the amplification stage, not just as a tube buffer but as a true tube output (per Morningstar Audio’s website).  The Peachtree Audio also has this lovely feature, but when running out to an external amp, the tube is not utilized.  In other words, the tube is only used when using the built in speaker amp or headphone amp, and seeing as the Nova is primarily being used as a DAC hooked up to other sources, this makes the tube very limited in it’s use (or useless).  Going back to the Minimax, engaging the tube resulted in a warmer, more laidback sound.  Edge’s were softened, tonality changed.  I felt like someone had poured syrup down the back of my neck and depending on who you are this could be amazing, or not so amazing.  Bill made mention of the versatility of the tube being used with harsh recordings, or for a more relaxing listening session, and this is exactly the impression I got of the tube when engaged.  So in answer to my question, the Minimax really does sound at it’s best with the tube engaged.

A Quick Word On The Various Inputs
For the sake of the review, I removed the Halide Design Bridge out of the equation.  For those who don’t know, the Bridge is a USB to S/PDIF converter, which gives you a “bridge” from your computer to a S/PDIF capable DAC.  As Macbooks only do Toslink, the Bridge presents a superior solution for getting those 1’s and 0’s out of your computer and into the DAC of your choice.  So, I retired the Bridge for the evening and connected my Macbook to the Eastern Electric via TOSlink cable.  The sound seemed to lack bite compared to what I had been listening to.  I should mention this is common occurance, as a coax connection is ussualy always the superior option to TOSlink.  With that said, it’s not as if the sound was bad by any means, it simply just means COAX was subtly preferable, as it always is.  I then tested the Tube DAC’s own USB solution.  According to Bill the Minimax utilizes an 48kHz USB design, not asynchronus.  What this mean in regards to sound, will be interpreted differently depending on who’s reading this, but my impression after actually having heard it is positive.  The Matrix Mini-I seemed to have gap in quality between it’s USB and toslink.  The Minimax tube DAC in contrast, did not really have a gap so to speak.  I could pick out differences in sound, but I am not sure which of the two inputs I preferred, which should be considered a compliment.
Editor’s Choice? You Betcha!
To conclude, the Eastern Electric Tube DAC is an absolute monster.  It’s resolving power is off the charts, it handles bass extremely well, and it can take every input known to man.  On top of this, I greatly enjoyed the flexibility of being able to toggle between the tube and SS circuitry.  While it may sound ‘gimmicky’ or unnecessary to some, I found it an absolute pleasure to toy around with, and there was nothing more satisfying than kicking back, flipping the tube on and just chilling out to the sounds of Greyboy Allstars instrumentals.  If I was really being picky, I would knock the Minimax for not having more versatile outputs (no XLR, no balanced), and it’s never fun to have tubes that you can’t see (let us enjoy our tubes and burn our fingers man), but these are very superficial criticisms that do nothing to detract from the Minimax’s true value.  The bottom line is this thing is a giant killer.  It is the best Sabre-based DAC I’ve heard, which is impressive considering the Peach Tree Audio Nova and Wyred 4 Sound DAC are a few hundred dollars pricier.  I will even one-up this by saying the Eastern Electric Tube DAC is the best DAC I’ve heard next to the Red Wine Audio Isabellina, which I felt had a clearer edge.  Keep in mind the Isabellina is $1500, where as the Eastern Electric Tube DAC is $750.  I cannot recommend it enough, and have awarded it this months Editors Choice award without question.  Bill wasn’t so crazy after all!

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