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NAIM 的nac282+nap250+hicap组合,推思奔达SP100R [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2008-04-29
— 本帖被 sanyue 从 搭配实验和升级探讨 移动到本区(2009-08-31) —

只看该作者 1 发表于: 2008-04-29

只看该作者 2 发表于: 2008-04-29
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2008-04-29
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2008-04-29
Suggested System 4
Our third recommended system brings you close to the point where our no-compromise systems are just an upgrade or two away.
Of course, having come this far, you might feel no need to go further. This system comfortably beats the pants off most that you will have heard - at any price! But then, if you have truly great expectations . . .
The system comprises:
  • CDX2 compact disc player with XPS2 power supply
    The CDX2 is a sophisticated player that can hold its own in truly demanding systems - those that show up any weaknesses in source components. Adding an external, dedicated XPS2 power supply to the CDX2 enhances its performance and brings significant musical rewards.
  • NAC 282 preamplifier with Hi-Cap power supply
    The superb performance of the NAC 282 is noticeably enhanced with the addition of a Hi-Cap power supply.
  • NAP 250 power amplifier
    The latest iteration of the original NAP 250, a true classic among power amplifiers, which still beats off rivals after more than 25 years at the top.
  • SL2 or Allae loudspeakers
    The SL2 is a two-way dynamic loudspeaker capable of the highest performance, designed to be powered by real amplifiers in real-life living rooms, while the stylish Allae uses technology developed for our original SBL and class leading DBL designs..
Recommended Upgrades
  • CDS3 compact disc player
    The CDS3 sits close to the top of our CD player range and provides unsurpassed musical coherence and enjoyment.
  • NAC 252 preamplifier and Super-Cap power supply
    Move closer to the ultimate preamplifier, the NAC 552, with this sophisticated design.
  • NAP 300 power amplifier
    The NAP 300 offers power and poise that benefit any top notch system.
NAC 282
NAP 250
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2008-04-29


只看该作者 6 发表于: 2008-04-29
NAC 282 preamplifier
The years of research spent developing the flagship NAC 552 preamplifier introduced a new level of technical and musical performance. Many of these developments, along with its elegant styling have been applied to NAC 282.
Hundreds of hours were spent listening to new designs and topologies, ensuring that the harmony between music and technology was always maintained.
The included NAPSC power supply independently powers the digital and control circuits while the audio circuits are fed either from a NAP 150 or NAP 200 power amplifier or from a stand-alone power supply such as the Hi-Cap or Super-Cap.
Low resonance circuit boards and anti-vibration, resonance control feet maximise isolation, hence minimizing the effect of microphonic vibration on the highly sensitive electronic components.
Carefully matched, precision rotary potentiometers with precious metal wipers are used to ensure long-term stability and preserve music integrity.
The NAC 282 features a silent microprocessor that sleeps during listening and controls all aspects of the amplifier. Optical protection circuits continuously monitor the power supplies ensuring safe shut-down in the event of a power cut.
A user configurable 'Smart IR' system remote control is supplied.
Two of the six inputs on the naim NAC 282 can be configured either as the usual DIN plug inputs, preferred for their superior earthing and impedance matching, or for use with the more common RCA phono connectors, allowing a wide range of non-Naim cables and components to be used. A dedicated unity-gain input is provided for use with the Naim AV2 processor or similar.
Each of the six inputs feature separate listen and record facilities. In addition to the usual record mute, the NAC 282 mutes not only the output but powers down all associated circuitry, eliminating any possibility of degrading the main output.
  • Six line-level inputs including two user-configurable versatile (DIN / phono) inputs.
  • User configurable unity-gain AV input.
  • Powered input for use with Stageline or Prefix phono stage.
  • Full infrared remote control.
  • RC5 input for wired remote control in complex installations.
  • Optional RS232 input/output for use in full home automation systems.
  • Upgradeable with both analogue (Hi-Cap, Super-Cap) and digital (NAPSC) power supplies.
The NAC 282 combines truly awesome sound quality, with user selectable features and flexibility that ensure it will function as the heart of a high quality hi-fi system for many years.
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Analogue inputs
6 (2,configurable)
Tape outputs
Input sensitivities
75mV, 47kOhm
Output levels, tape
75mV, 600 Ohm
Input overload margin, all audio frequencies
Dimensions (H x W x D)
87 x 432 x 314mm
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2008-04-29
Hi-Cap power supply
Although certain Naim amplifiers provide a very adequate power supply to the partnering preamplifier, the use of a separate Naim ultra-low noise power supply brings substantially improved musicality to the whole system. Simply being separate from the amplifiers ensures correct earthing and hum-free operation, while the large toroidal transformer and generous high quality smoothing capacitors provide exceptional dynamic stability.
Each of the power outputs use specially selected regulators for optimum performance. The Hi-Cap can be used to power all of the Naim phono stages, active crossovers and preamplifiers except the NAC 552 and NAC 252; in the case of the NAC 282 preamplifier a second Hi-Cap may be used, bringing further improvements.
The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet compliment the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration.
The audible benefits from adding a Hi-Cap are fundamental to the music: improving timing, dynamic range, clarity and order. Particularly complex music becomes both easier to understand and listen to. Inclusion of a Hi-Cap offers the additional benefit of allowing the preamplifier to be left switched on constantly, independently of the power amplifier, keeping the unit's complex circuitry fully stabilised at all times.
  • Ultra-low noise preamplifier and electronic crossover power supply.
  • Huge toroidal transformer and smoothing capacitors provide exceptional dynamic stability.
The new Naim Hi-Cap sets free the musicality and dynamic range of a hi-fi system, making an incredibly effective upgrade to a preamplifier, power amplifier combination.
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Power output
Dual 24V
Mains supply
100V, 115V, 230V (50 or 60Hz)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
87 x 207 x 314mm
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2008-04-29
“Of course, having come this far, you might feel no need to go further. This system comfortably beats the pants off most that you will have heard - at any price! But then, if you have truly great expectations . . .” 这段牛啊,大有打遍天下无敌手之意,呵呵。
只看该作者 9 发表于: 2008-04-29
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2008-04-29
玩Naim, 最多只能玩到此点. 

250使用了秘密武器007晶体管. 是参考级的第二阶梯.

再往上, 性价比就低了.
只看该作者 11 发表于: 2008-04-29
NAP 250 power amplifier
The newest Naim NAP 250 delivers speed, power and agility providing exceptional detail and musicality in a package built to swing for another 25 years.
For 27 years the NAP 250 has been at the heart of thousands of high-quality audio systems around the world. During the years of research that went into the NAP 500, many technical developments came about that could be successfully applied to the NAP 250. Many of these developments, along with the elegant new styling have been incorporated, resulting in a new Classic line-up.
Like the flagship NAP 500, and the NAP 300, the NAP 250 uses a new circuit design with improved earthing arrangements, built on a very high quality, anti-resonance main audio circuit board. The NAP 250 uses the same 007 transistors that were custom-designed for the NAP 500. These outstanding components each provide up to 80 amps and 350 Watts, negating the need to use parallel pairs of transistors (which always have a negative effect on sound). Additional 007 transistors are used in the fully regulated power supply, ensuring the very best performance.
Anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet serve to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration.
A new top-quality transformer is used providing the ability to deliver more than 15 Amps and swing a massive 400VA on transients. The NAP 250 is stable into any load and able to drive a 2-Ohm load for long periods of time.
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Power output continuous [8 Ohm]
80 Watts
Transient capability
400 VA
Voltage gain
+ 29 dB
Input impedance
18 kOhm
Frequency response
-3dB @ 2Hz & 65kHz
Mains supply
100V, 115V, 230V (50 or 60Hz)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
87 x 432 x 314mm
只看该作者 12 发表于: 2008-04-29
CDX2 CD player
Extensive research carried out over the last few years has been fully employed in producing the integrated CDX2 CD player. Naim has made as few compromises as possible to ensure that the CDX2 offers complete musical satisfaction, rivalling that of the finest analogue turntables.
Integrity and stability of the RF signals read by the laser have been prime design considerations. A suspended transport and low mass magnetic clamping system ensures that the disc spins accurately and silently, unhindered by mechanical resonance.
The mass of the custom-made glass reinforced front-loading drawer mechanism has been carefully calculated to optimise rigidity and isolation. The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet compliment the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis to protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration. Additionally' the internal shielding has been improved bringing about further upgraded performance and lower noise.
Paths between critical components are as short as possible to preserve delicate signals and each stage of the circuitry is powered by a separate regulated supply. Correct earthing is used throughout and there are no digital or headphone outputs.
Both the transport and chipset have been upgraded for the CDX2. The HDCD decoder/digital filter is only activated when playing encoded discs. Eight-times over sampled data is then sent to two (one per channel) Burr Brown PCM mono D/A converters. A separate, fully optimised master clock controls all main digital functions, and the clock configuration and layout are engineered to minimise jitter. A seven-pole analogue filter follows the DAC to remove spurious noise.
The CDX2 has a fully double-regulated power supply with 20 low-noise, regulated power supplies on the main circuit board, plus a separate supply on the servo control board and another on the display board. It is a stand-alone, mains powered machine, which may also be used with the XPS ultra low noise power supply, providing a substantial improvement in sound quality.
Naim research has proved that divorcing the main power supply from a CD player is wholly beneficial, whereas the more common arrangement of housing the converter circuitry in a separate box causes many problems. The Naim XPS power supply is extremely sophisticated with six separately regulated, ultra low noise outputs, featuring a toroidal transformer and six power regulators. This ensures complete stability of the ultra-sensitive circuitry in the CDX2. The same external supply is used with the Naim CDS3 CD player, thus providing a further possible upgrade path from one player to the other.
All main control functions are handled by a microprocessor running Naim-written software. Every aspect of the SAA 7376 servo controller/decoder functionality is under software control: Naim-written codes allow maximised performance in all areas. For example, the transport parameters are optimised for each disc as it is loaded. In addition, special care has been taken to ensure that the player/user interface is as logical as possible with extra features such as "display off" (for improved sound quality) and program cancel, where tracks the listener does not want to hear can be quickly selected.
Worthwhile user features have been added: in addition to a clearer layout of the back panel, RC5 and optional RS232 ports have been fitted, allowing seamless integration into even the most complex of home installations.
In common with the flagship NAC 552 preamplifier, the CDX2 has user-configurable outputs, allowing a choice between the preferred DIN output and RCA phono connections, allowing the CDX2 to be used with a wide range of other manufacturers' cables and components.
This machine is designed to be the best in its class, incorporating genuine technological advances to provide a thoroughly enjoyable musical experience.
  • Ultra-high quality CD player.
  • Twenty power regulators make up a fully double-regulated power supply with exceptional dynamic stability.
  • User-configurable versatile (DIN/phono) outputs.
  • Full infrared remote control.
  • RC5 input for wired remote control in complex installations.
  • Optional RS232 input/output for use in full home automation systems.
  • The optional Naim XPS power supply provides six regulated power supplies; this significantly reduces supply noise for all circuitry.
The Naim CDX2 plays music from CD in a wholly natural, believable way, providing the same involvement and enjoyment as a high-end analogue source but with tremendous consistency and reliability.
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Frequency response
10Hz 20kHz + 0.1dB 0.5 dB
Output level
2.1V rms at 1kHz
Output impedance
10 Ohms maximum
Phase response
Linear phase, absolute phase correct
Laser type
Semiconductor AIGaAs
780nm ± 20nm
Light output (cw)
Maximum 0.5 mW
± 0.1 dB referred to main response
Distortion and noise
<0.1% 10 Hz - 18 kHz at full level
Mains supply
100V, 115V, 230V (50 or 60Hz)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
87 x 432 x 314mm
只看该作者 13 发表于: 2008-04-29
XPS power supply
The importance of power supplies has been close to the heart of Naim philosophy for over twenty years.
Naim research proved that divorcing the main power supply from a CD player is wholly beneficial, whereas the more common arrangement of housing the converter circuitry in a separate box causes many problems.
The Naim XPS power supply is a very sophisticated power supply with six separately regulated, very low noise outputs, featuring a toroidal transformer and six power regulators. These supplies are branched and re-regulated, some twice in the CD player.
The addition of anti-vibration, resonance-controlling feet compliment the elegant new cast and extruded anti-magnetic chassis protect the sensitive internal components from resonance and microphonic vibration.
This supply is required and comes as standard with the CDS3 but can also be added to the CDX2 CD player, providing a substantial improvement in sound quality and a possible upgrade path from one player to another.
Timing, dynamic range and clarity all significantly improve by adding a Naim XPS to a CDX2. Complex passages become more understandable, bringing far more involvement and enjoyment from the music.
  • Ultra-low noise CD player power supply.
  • Huge toroidal transformer and smoothing capacitors provide exceptional dynamic stability.
  • Six power regulators feeding six completely separately regulated power outputs.
The new Naim XPS sets the music free, making it an incredibly effective upgrade to the Naim CDX2, and a critical component of the Naim CDS3.
click image to enlarge
Power output
± 22V, ± 10V, 2 x 15V
Mains supply
100V, 115V, 230V (50 or 60Hz)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
87 x 432 x 314mm
只看该作者 14 发表于: 2008-04-29
老赵,大概什么时候能到,严重期待...PRAOAC D38什么价位.
SME 20/2+NAIM CDS3+252+300+LINN 350
只看该作者 15 发表于: 2008-04-29
引用第14楼saita于2008-04-29 23:22发表的  :
老赵,大概什么时候能到,严重期待...PRAOAC D38什么价位.

只看该作者 16 发表于: 2008-04-30
引用第0楼sanyue于2008-04-29 11:09发表的 NAIM 的nac282+nap250+hicap组合,很快可以抵达三越 :

只看该作者 17 发表于: 2008-04-30
只看该作者 18 发表于: 2008-04-30
引用第14楼saita于2008-04-29 23:22发表的 :
老赵,大概什么时候能到,严重期待...PRAOAC D38什么价位.


只看该作者 19 发表于: 2008-04-30
引用第15楼ast123456于2008-04-29 23:27发表的  :

SME 20/2+NAIM CDS3+252+300+LINN 350
限100 字节
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